New Year’s: A signal to transformation and new beginnings?
A decade ago, I would always make what you'd call a resolution. You know, those shiny, well-intentioned promises we make to ourselves—and often forget by February. Oh yeah, I had them by the boatload. Every year, I fell into the trap of making these plans, only to be disappointed when they never came to fruition. The season brought a lot of pressure to do more, be more, and achieve more. I loathed its arrival. Maybe you can relate.
After many failed attempts at following trends and traditions, I started seeing resolutions more like empty calories: good in theory but ultimately unsatisfying. I had a burning desire for change, so I made a conscious effort to do things differently. Instead of focusing on the future and where I needed to be, I decided to focus more on the present and how far I'd come—taking stock of what worked, what didn’t, and carrying those lessons forward.
As 2025 dawns—Happy New Year, by the way—let’s skip the pressure of perfection and the anxiety of not knowing what tomorrow may bring. Instead, let’s embrace the beauty of positive reflection. After all, life is about building on what we’ve learned.

How It Started
Reader, believe me when I tell you—this year was a doozy. My life changed drastically when my husband and I decided to return to his hometown.
At first, it seemed like daisies and rainbows as I daydreamed about the upside of starting fresh. But when reality hit and I faced unforeseen obstacles, it was nothing short of turmoil.
Needless to say, the year was a rollercoaster of wins and losses, overcoming and letting go—a mega mashup of it all. I spent months adjusting to my new environment and, spoiler alert, it was horrific. A complete nightmare! But that’s a story for another post, reader—stay tuned.
The woes of last year weren’t just challenges—they were hard-hitting lessons that helped me rediscover my strength.
The Woes
I thought I was making progress when I landed a job. I convinced myself that I’d finally make friends and immerse myself in the culture.
Ha! I was bamboozled. Instead, poof—I morphed into a troll of a person. I was miserable and frustrated because I’d wiggled myself into a space that didn’t align with anything I valued.
During those months, my health deteriorated on every front: mentally, physically, and emotionally. Doctors and I became well acquainted. I was a zombie—a shell of my former self. It was an exhausting period, made worse because my husband had to leave for extended business trips shortly after our move. I was alone.
I couldn’t perform my God-given role as a mother. And forget about maintaining the relationships I’d left behind. I lost not one but two childhood friends—something I never thought could happen. It was painful. I’d always been the one to bounce back quickly, but for what felt like forever and a half, I just couldn’t find my spring.
The Wins
Due to all that, I had to take time to center myself. What did I want the space I was creating for myself to look like? What was in alignment with it? How was I showing up for myself first, and by extension, my family? Frankly, I didn’t have all the answers, but I was determined to figure it out at my own pace—even if that meant slowing down to appreciate where I was and finding satisfaction in it.
As it turns out, I had been chasing something that couldn’t fulfill me. So, I left my job. That’s when I realized I had the blessing of real wealth—time. I had the opportunity to pour into what I truly valued: I devoted quality time to my family, explored new hobbies, and embraced self-care and personal development.
When I finally stepped out for myself and into myself, it felt like the only sensible way to escape the matrix and close the curtains on the year. The biggest lessons I learned were:
My life is my own. Yes—me, me, me, me, me, and me. Being selfish doesn’t always carry a negative connotation. Sometimes, paying close attention to yourself is necessary to replenish the well you pour from.
Things are only as big or as important as we make them out to be. Be mindful of what you give power to. Be careful where you spend your energy.
One word, five letters: RELAX.
One of my most significant wins was embracing the things that truly brought me joy.
What's Next

The way I acknowledge a New Year has evolved. It’s no longer about accolades, grand declarations, or time-sensitive accomplishments. Instead, it’s about taking a moment to appreciate the steady progress I’ve made throughout the year.
Now, I don’t wait for the end of the calendar year to make changes or take action. For the first time in a long time, I have no structured plan, nor am I held captive by society’s expectations or definitions. I believe in travelling the path of least resistance—wherever I put my energy, life will flow.
If I have no other intentions, I’ll hold onto this: as I continue to create the space I envision for myself and shape my life into what I want it to be, I will show gratitude.
What’s next? Who knows? Truthfully, though this year was turbulent, it taught me patience, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for sacrifice and solitude. I’m simply looking forward to what this new year will bring.
Are you thinking about making a major move? Why wait for a new year? Go for it now—or whenever the time feels right. Brace yourself for whatever comes and trust that you’ll stand through it. There’s no appointed time to change, create new boundaries, or let go of ideas, people, or places that no longer serve you. Here's to wins, woes and whatever is next.
Don’t miss the next post, where I’ll share the game-changing steps that unlocked this perspective—and how you can use them to transform your journey! If holistic lifestyle content—from parenting to spirituality—resonates with you, subscribe to the website. We’ll continue exploring the many facets of life, diving deeper into the lessons that continue to shape my journey.

An aspiring author and curious seeker, passionate about dissecting all things lifestyle, I’m on a journey of discovery—sharing life lessons and experiences along the way. Here’s to striking the balance, unearthing, and embracing the authentic self.
Let’s Evolve Together.
Jebu Vivet
Founder of E.I.R.E.